Mantra of Avalokiteshvara

Can you do me a favor? Please listen to the sound track on the right first, without asking any reason why. Please do it, before you go on and read.

What do you feel?

This piece of chanting is a very powerful one in Buddhism. However, I would not ask you to research and try to understand the meaning of it. The piece of music and the sound itself would do it all. Just stay back and experience it. Let it bring peace into your soul. Even my little daughter… she’s has loved this since she was a bit more than 2. Certainly, she doesn’t need to understand it. Yet, it surely gives her a wonderful feeling and that’s how she keeps asking about it.

Sometimes, we don’t need to ask anything. Just be ready, be open, and experience things directly into our heart, just like listening to this beautiful chanting.

You can download it here.

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